I don't feel great suggesting any specific course of action or way of reframing the situation to you, because it will sound far too much like a person telling you to get over it or to be more positive or something like that. However, speaking from my own experience, I would say that when I resented a situation I was in, it was because I felt trapped.
When I was in an unhappy ten-year relationship I resented the obligations I had to my partner and the lack of affection I was getting. I also felt at the time that I had no control over the situation and had no say in the matter, which was what made the emotions feel so intense.
Now, I actually did have a route out -- I ended the relationship -- and it's not so easy to do the opposite and make a relationship materialize. But perhaps you can imagine ways to meet some of your needs in the meantime while still searching for a relationship.
You could, for instance, write down all of the benefits of having a relationship that feel missing in your life -- it might be things like cuddling, sex, life companionship, someone to share in daily activities with, a person to share in life's victories, someone to help with chores, and so much more. There are probably steps you can take to get those needs met in the meantime, even if it's not the way you might want them to be met ultimately. For example, having a specific friend who is the person you run to with life's good news who will celebrate you, take you out, be proud of you, and witness you, and you can perform the same to them. Getting support around the house from another buddy or a roommate. Finding ways to experience positive touch that make you feel more attached and grounded.
Most single people that I know are already *great* at being solid friends to other people and filling their life with experiences and moments of growth, so my apologies if this advice sounds like telling a sick person to try yoga. The situation still sucks and being allowed to just be pissed about it and to feel despair sometimes is a reasonable response that you don't need to censor and that you're not weak for having. I do also think that we tend to feel the most relationally stuck when we aren't experiencing all the benefits of strong, supportive attachments, and there are steps we can take in the relationships we do have to build secure attachment and depth... even if it's not exactly what we want.
The same thing goes I think for resisting capitalism, political repression, etc. It's a very legitimate situation to resent the hell out of. I think we also do need to find ways to personally feel less stuck and trapped. I take great comfort from the writings of anarchists like David Graeber who explain how we can resist oppressive structures in our every day life, and build more anarchic/communal ways of living right where we are. I take solace too in doing what I personally can to challenge capitalism. Me consuming less and working less won't "fix" the societal problem but it lets me live in more accordance with my values and that radiates out into how I am able to care for my community, the pace I live at, and so on, and so I don't feel stuck.
I don't know if any of the specifics here are useful or not, but I think the way to not find the resentment all-consuming is to a) allow it to exist but also to b) find ways to feel like you have control over your life and not feel stuck. Even if you can't change so many of the externals.