Kim, oh my god, thank you so much for writing this for me. As a trans person who has been filled with self-doubts about all kinds of things, for years, I know very intimately what it feels like to find a piece of writing or art or a space that finally helps you to feel a little bit freer to be yourself. For me, one of the very first ones was the short story collection “A Safe Girl to Love” by Casey Plett — she’s a trans woman, but her stories were deeply resonant with me even though my trans experience is fairly different. There’s a story in that book that shot me in the heart with the truth of who I was, and a feeling that I could finally begin to let it be released. So I’m honored anytime I get to be a part of someone else’s coming out/self-discovery story, in some tangential way — so many other trans people have been that for me. Anyway, keep in touch if you’d like! Thanks for giving me a message that really brightened my day.